Become member of FSHD Europe
More information on ‘How to become a member’ can be found be pressing the button below.
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Participate in research
World FSHD Day
You can download the World FSHD Day toolkit below.
For more information on ways to support World FSHD Day see World FSHD Day | FSHD Society

You can make a direct gift to support our work.
FSHD Europe
Account number: 1372.74.734
IBAN: NL33 RABO 0137 2747 34
Thank you for your generous support!
Educational resources
Organizational support
FSHD Europe offers you organizational support, see for more information here
FSHD Society
The FSHD Society is the world’s largest research-focused patient organization for FSHD. On their website you can find a lot of information on many different topics. They also provide an education centre called the FSHD University, please have a look at: FSHD University | FSHD Society
TREAT-NMD is a global network of experts in the neuromuscular field aiming to accelerate the development of effective treatments; and establish the best in diagnosis and care for people worldwide.
EURO-NMD is a European Reference Network for the thematic grouping of rare neuromuscular diseases (NMDs), a broad group of related disorders that represent a major cause of mortality and lifelong disability in children and adults. EURO-NMD provide educational webinars on a monthly basis to increase the knowledge around different specialist areas related to the neuromuscular field. Each webinar lasts approximately one hour with the opportunity for viewers to ask questions on the subject area.
Webinars – European Reference Network – EURO-NMD (
Events – European Reference Network – EURO-NMD (
FSHD Europe is a member of EURORDIS, a unique, non-profit alliance of over 1000 rare disease patient organisations from 74 countries that work together to improve the lives of over 300 million people living with a rare disease globally. The EURORDIS Open Academy accompanies patient advocates by offering rare disease-specific comprehensive training programmes that empower advocates with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to engage with different stakeholders as equal partners.
Learn with the EURORDIS Open Academy – EURORDIS Open Academy